Het beste pr-bureau voor de IT
Jouw organisatie verdient veel aandacht in de media. Daarom wil je de keuze maken voor een pr-bureau dat niet alleen de IT-markt op z’n duimpje kent. Maar ook precies weet hoe journalisten te werk gaan. Voor Co-Workx dus. Bij ons staat kwaliteit leveren voorop. Het is onze doelstelling om het beste pr-bureau voor de IT van Nederland te zijn. Niet voor niets dat veel klanten al sinds onze oprichting in 2010 klant zijn.
Our PR services
Press releases
Press releases old-fashioned? Oh, no. This trusted tool is still effective for generating coverage.
Press relations
We ensure that your company or brand ends up and remains on the minds of the right journalists.
Content creation
Blogs, eBooks, white papers, podcasts or a vlog? Our experienced copywriters will take it all on.
Organizing PR events
Organizing an event takes a lot of time. We can do that for you, so you can keep taking care of (other) business.
Social media
PR is also keeping in touch with your target audience. Social media is an ideal medium for this. We know what works, on which channel, for each target group.
SEO as a PR service? Yes, of course. PR offers excellent opportunities for link building. That improves your position in search engines.
This is what we are good at
Our super powers
Technical knowhow
At Co-Workx work the most technical copywriters. Topics such as BLOB, cloud bursting or hyperconverged infrastructure doesn't startle them.
No juniors
We only work with medior and senior advisors. Because we believe that experience is crucial in delivering the best services.
A high attrition rate? Not with us
At Co-Workx the attrition rate is very low to non-existent. With us you will keep seeing the same familiar faces.
Flexible with budgets
Herkenbaar dat je IT pr-bureau star omgaat met het budget? Zo werken wij in ieder geval niet. Wij maken keuzes voor onze klanten, niet omdat deze beter zijn voor onszelf.
More than PR
We zijn niet alleen maar gespecialiseerd in pr voor de IT. Menig klant heeft inmiddels ook z'n marketingactiviteiten aan ons uitbesteed.
This is how you create
thought leadership
Where our superpowers come in handy? Among other things, in achieving thought leadership. Thanks to the substantive knowledge of our people, you don't have to give us much input.
We understand your business, services and solutions. We keep track of the latest news, trends and developments in your industry. At the same time, we know what content sparks interest with journalists. This allows us to proactively and frequently share ideas about the most mediagenic topics.

What is PR?
PR stands for public relations and is often referred to as press relations. However, this last statement is not entirely correct. PR includes all the actions you take to increase brand awareness of your company and to transform the opinion of your stakeholders. This is possible with more than just press relations. The big difference with marketing is that marketing is purely aimed at promoting the sale of your products and/or services.
What is covered by public relations?
Why should you use public relations?
IT organizations mostly offer software and services. That's pretty hard to sell, because you can't show something tangible. First of all, this means that your target group must know you. After all, people have to know your brand to admire your products and services. Secondly, you must have a reliable image. You can shout out loud that you sell fantastic solutions, but that does not mean that your target group will believe you. In fact, the Dutch don't believe that at all. But if journalists write about you, it suddenly becomes a completely different story. Because they are seen as more objective. And you can use that to generate awareness and steer your image in a smart way.
What's the difference between pr and marketing?
Public relations is purely focused on profiling a company's image. Marketing is used to increase sales. So it should be clear: if you combine public relations with marketing, you're sitting on a goldmine.
Nice to know: public relations is a lot cheaper than marketing.
In what ways can you use public relations?
- Sending a press release
- Supply a ready-made article
- Supply a blog.
- Through a case study, also called a customer reference article.
- Pitching journalists. That is, you try to interest them in an interview.
- Organizing a press event. This can be done both online and offline.
What are the benefits of sending out press releases?
We'll start with something that will appeal to you: the relatively low cost. With a good text, you can assume that several media will publish your message. So you get a lot of visibility for a small price. Another advantage is that you keep the exact message of your content intact. A journalist will not copy your text literally, but at the same time cannot change too much.
For the SEO experts: sending a press release can also be a good move for search engine optimization. If organizations start looking for a solution online, you can be found quickly via IT or business media. However, it only helps a small part to get your website to a higher position in the search engines. That's why link building is important. And publishers still want to include the link to your homepage, but subpages are excluded from free publicity (with a few exceptions).
What are the disadvantages of sending out press releases?
Are you a relatively unknown company? Then the chances are pretty slim that journalists will pick up your press release - unless you really have something spectacular to report. And version 3.2.1 of your product is not (sorry, don't shoot the messenger). Besides, journalists obviously don't really get to know your organization. If you receive a lot of press releases in one day, little of the news you have to bring will stick in their minds. Especially since they don't receive the news exclusively, as a press release is widely distributed.
Also know that with press releases, you'll often get fairly small news articles as a result. So do you want your target audience to be well informed about the challenges you can solve for them? Then a press release is not the right tool.
How do you write a good press release?
Journalists are inundated with press releases every day. For good reason, they scan most of those releases cursorily. They don't read the messages from front to back - unless they are stimulated at the beginning to read on. Therefore, make sure in the first instance that you have real news to offer and that the press release is the right vehicle for this. After all, you don't want to bother them with useless news.
Then you come up with a catchy headline and introduction. If that part goes wrong, your press release will quickly end up in the virtual wastebasket. Avoid especially words like "leading supplier" and "unique solution". Journalists get really annoyed by this kind of texts.
A press release is relatively short and to the point (exceptions are possible). Use a logical structure. First report the core news and then elaborate on peripheral issues. A memory aid for this is to keep the 5W's and 1H in mind: Who, What, Where, When, Why and How?
Finally, we give you the tip to use headings. Because: it brings structure to a text and is good for SEO. Are you looking for more tips for writing a press release? Let us know and we will help you on your way.
What are the benefits of submitting articles for free?
What are the disadvantages of submitting articles for free?
Not all media accept articles for free. It's also logical that you have to pay for it, because a publisher has to make a living. And that is quite difficult in an advertising market that is dominated by the Google's and Facebook's of this world.
As with a press release, a journalist doesn't really get to know your company if you provide an article. With an interview, he or she will learn much more about your company and that information will stick longer.
In terms of content, an article should be editorially drafted. So it is not about what kind of IT company you are and what kind of IT products or services you offer. It is about, for example, tips you can offer readers, a vision or opinion you want to showcase or how companies deal with their challenges and how they solve them (reference article).
What are paid and earned media in the public relations world?
Many people think of PR in terms of free publicity that you obtain by, for example, journalists writing about you. The biggest advantage of this is that if journalists write positively about you, this is many times stronger than advertising. However, this is only a small part of your public relations. Getting likes, shares, comments and retweets are also possibilities to increase the attention for your company or brand.
Paying for media publications has become increasingly popular within the public relations world in recent years. Unfortunately, the publication fees for most business media are high. However, that is not the case for IT titles. For an often reasonable price, you can have your editorial published. And the best part: you can include several links to subpages of your own website. This means that you can immediately work on your link building, so that your website will be found better in search engines.
Mind you: we are talking about media articles here, but paid media can just as easily include Google Adwords, media banners or Linkedin ads, among others.
Countless PR agencies will tell you not to choose paid media. Logical, because they earn much less from it. At Co-Workx we are big fans of this way of working. We want our clients to be found well in search engines and we want publishers to have their share too.
What are the benefits of case studies?
What is the biggest drawback of case studies?
Some IT journalists occasionally call companies they have written a reference story about. Not every project turns out to be equally successfully in the end. As you probably already know, negative news scores significantly better than positive news. So you get the idea: when a customer is not so satisfied after all, they sometimes go crazy on a journalist. All positive PR is thus converted into negative PR.
What is the biggest advantage of arranging interviews?
Als je als journalist iedere dag persberichten naar je toegestuurd krijgt, gaat alles op een gegeven moment erg op elkaar lijken. Maar leuke, interessante interviews met woordvoerders van bedrijven blijven wel beklijven. En bleek het te gaan om een sterke woordvoerder, dan willen ze deze persoon nog wel eens vaker bellen om te vragen over zijn/haar mening over een specifiek onderwerp. Dat levert dan mooi weer free publicity op.
What is the biggest disadvantage of arranging interviews?
Sometimes a spokesperson turns out not to have a good story. Journalists remember these situations better than if they did have a good conversation. So what happens next time you have really interesting news? Exactly, then journalists are more likely to slam the door on you. They are then also less likely to pick up your press releases.
And oh yes, also important to mention: not every interview leads to a publication. That means you put a lot of time into it and don't get any results out of it.
What does pr cost?
This is a difficult question to answer. A public relations agency can be very expensive. For example, they sit in a fancy office or are part of an international concern that uses high hourly rates to make as much margin as possible. Of course, there are also PR agencies that charge normal rates. But because the IT market is not a very simple sector, knowledgeable PR consultants are not up for grabs. This makes PR for the IT industry more expensive than for example the fashion industry.
By the way, don't focus too much on the hourly rates themselves, but ask especially how much time an agency expects to spend on PR activities such as writing a press release or article or pitching interviews.
Om even een grove schatting te geven: voor circa 2.500 euro per maand, kun je al de nodige resultaten behalen met pr-activiteiten.