Hitting a homerun with content marketing

You want to reach, attract, convert and retain potential customers. Content marketing is one of the most valuable tools for accomplishing exactly this. At least, if you do it right. Of course you have to use a different strategy than your competitors, otherwise you won't stand out. In addition, your content must be attractive to read, see or hear. Finally, your target audience must also be able to find this content.

You need help with this? Co-Workx is your answer.

Schiet raak met contentmarketing

Our content marketing


Our strong content is easy to find and conversion-oriented.


Do you have a spicy opinion? We have the skills to put that on paper.


Show people who you are. Build on your brand awareness and get in the picture of your target audience.

Search Engine Optimisation

With our content you will not only connect to your target audience, but also with search engines.

Lead generating content

With strong content we get your target audience moving and transform them in valuable leads.

Content strategy

A well setup content strategy tells the world who you are, what you do and why you are doing that.

Staying top of mind
This is how

Almost every company is looking for leads. The right content can make that happen. But only if your content is unique and differentiates you from your competition. This requires both a practical and a creative way of thinking and acting. That is precisely the expertise of Co-Workx.

Contentmarketing zorgt ervoor dat je boven het maaiveld uitsteekt

With these skills
we will let you shine

IT knowledge

We do not need pages and pages of briefing documents. Often 1 word will do.


We are perfectionists and therefore always go the extra mile.


Do you have an urgent request that needs to be taken care of immediately? No problem, we can switch quickly and make it happen on the spot.

Knowledge & skill

We only employ highly experienced people. Because we are convinced that this is how we achieve the best results for you.


No unfair and difficult contract terms. We use your retainers and budgets only for what is necessary for your business, not what fits within our procedures. Simple and transparant.

FAQ: Content marketing

Jouw doelgroep zit vaak met dé nodige zakelijke vragen. En hoe mooi zou het zijn als jij hier dan proactief een antwoord op geeft met behulp van waardevolle content?! Zodat prospects zien welke kennis jij in huis hebt. En dat jij bij uitstek de partij bent om ze te helpen. Dat doe je natuurlijk niet door hard te roepen hoe fantastisch jouw bedrijf of oplossing is. Maar wel door op de inhoud in te gaan. Dat doe je precies op het juiste moment en via de juiste kanalen. Dat noemen we contentmarketing.
A party that has understood well how content marketing works decades ago is Michelin. Instead of selling their car tires flat, they created the Michelin Guide. Because they wanted to let you know that you can drive all over the world with Michelin tires, they handed out a free guide to the best restaurants and hotels in the country. They now have become a household name in the culinary world.

Why would a company choose your organization if they have never heard of you? And can hardly find any information about you? It is therefore crucial that your target group gets to know you. This is possible with content, you generate awareness with this.

You want to connect with your target audience. They should start to see you as a reliable source of valuable information. In other words: show with content marketing that you are an authority in your field.

Why is trust so important? Very simple: it makes it easier to convert a prospect into a lead. And convert a lead into a customer more easily. But content marketing also helps to retain existing customers. With a good content marketing strategy, prospects become customers, and customers become ambassadors.

Yes, of course! In fact, there is hardly an industry that content marketing does not work for. Whether it is a large or small company. Or for a B2C or B2B company. However, each market requires a different approach and strategy. Do you work for an IT company? Then Co-Workx knows better than anyone what works and what doesn't.

You can use many different forms of content to spread your message. Think of customer stories, white papers, web pages, (long copy) articles, newsletters, brochures and blogs. Or infographics, videos, e-books, magazines, social media posts and podcasts.

What type of content best suits your target audience? That again depends on your objectives and target group. If you are not sure of your case, let an expert inform you. Because it would be a shame if you spend a lot of money on content that ultimately doesn't catch on.

Know what's going on within your target audience. One way to find out is to see what frequently asked questions are on Google. Also know that some content inserts are very popular. Think of the 5 tips, the 7 best practices or the 10 best examples.

But… do you want to do exactly the same as your competitors? Or do you want your content to stand out? Because sometimes it is truly necessary to show your unique self.

Let's repeat it again: by knowing your target audience. Our advice is to pick one topic and create multiple pieces of content for it. After all, it makes no sense to go from one piece of content to another without recycling some of the existing material. So turn it into sort of a campaign and adjust your other marketing activities to this as well. Because repetition ensures that your target group will actually believe your message.

Absolutely! Some content is more suitable for creating awareness, but others act as a magnet to generate leads. We repeat it again: the condition for this is that you know your target group well and that you know how to develop distinctive content. Also make sure that the content is offered to your target audience in multiple ways and through the right channels.

The answer to this question, and you can feel it coming, is not that simple. Because again: it depends on your objective and target group.

We can give an example. You can of course place a blog on your website and promote it via a newsletter and your social media channels. But you also want it to be found through search engines. That is why you will always have to write the text with the SEO rules in mind.

Because writing a blog sometimes involves blood, sweat and tears, you naturally want to get the most out of it. So consider other options as well. Such as posting a rewritten version of the blog in the media through free publicity or paid options.

In this way you choose paid media (you pay for the placement), earned media (you earn the placement) and owned media (which you manage completely yourself).

Well, this is another question that doesn't have an unequivocal answer. It really depends on the business you are in and the size of your company. We can tell you that some continuity in the content is important. But we think it's actually more important that you put a lot of energy into the distribution of content than into the amount. Because: if no one reads your content, it is of little use to you.

It's pretty easy to find out how many people have read/heard/seen the content. Think of website traffic or figures such as the open rate and CTR that you can generate from your mailing or marketing automation tool.

You can also see how often a social media post has been shared or liked. In the online media you can request the figures from publishers, collect them via specific clipping services or measure yourself with free tools such as Hypestat.

However, it is more difficult to determine how your image has changed because of content marketing or how much more exposure you have built. To find out, you need to do research. And then we are suddenly talking about completely different amounts. It's up to you to decide if you think it's worth it.

The internet is full of tips if you want to get started with content marketing for consumer products. Unfortunately, for B2B companies in the IT market, the situation is completely different. For example, services are much more difficult to sell than products, because you have nothing concrete to show. In addition, the prices for these services are significantly higher. For large purchases you simply have to work harder. That also applies to your content strategy.

Not everyone involved in the purchase of IT solutions has a technical background. Is your content too complicated? Then a business target group will definitely drop out. After all, they want to know how a solution can help solve their business challenges. Then you should not get bogged down in technical details.

Is the content too general? Then the seasoned IT person thinks you don't take him/her seriously. They do want to know everything about bits & bytes. So you will have to know exactly who you are targeting and what their level of knowledge is.

If you want your content to be found organically by search engines, you will need to develop the content with search engine optimization rules in mind. You then have to take into account, among other things, the title of your article, the subheadings, multimedia elements, the questions that the target group has about the subject in question – because you have to tailor the content to that – and provide both internal and external links. This advice is rather short-sighted, because SEO is quite complex.